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Board Members

NPEN's leadership consists of a Board and an Executive Committee. The Board consists of 15-25 individuals who meet bi-monthly to carry on the business of developing the field of parenting education. Board members serve for 3-year terms and are eligible to serve two consecutive terms. The Board also holds an annual meeting typically in January. Each Board member also serves on a separate committee (see committees page for more information). All Board members are dues-paying members. The Executive Committee consists of NPEN's officers as well as two Board members-at-large and meets bi-monthly as well.

Currently, the Board meets the second Thursday of March, May, July, September, and November from 2:30-4:00 p.m. eastern.

If you are interested in participating in a leadership position within NPEN, please consider joining a committee or applying for a position on the Board using THIS application. 

Debbie Farr, Ph.D
Owner, Flourishing Families; Adjunct Faculty, Psychology Dept., New England College, Henniker, NH

Ann Magalhaes
Vice Chair
Owner, The Parent Team NY, LLC,NYSPEP Credentialed Parenting Educator, Rye, New York

Jody Johnston Pawel, LSW, CFLE
President/CEO of Relationship Toolshop® International Training Institute, LLC, Springboro, OH

Samantha Gray
Parenting Program Coordinator with Appalachian Promise Alliance, Bristol TN

Danielle Aretz
Pediatrician, San Diego, CA

Holly Arnold
Extension Parent Educator, North Dakota State University
Minot, ND

Michelle Berscheid, Ed.D
Licensed Parent and Family Educator, Early Childhood Family Education (ECFE), Family Literacy Program, Minneapolis, MN

Michael Finlay
Owner and Founder, This Is Fatherhood LLC, Portland, OR

Barbara E. Harvey, M.Ed
Executive Director, Parents, Teachers and Advocates, Atlanta, GA

Yu Jiang
Parenting Educator, Graduate Student in Educational Leadership, Whitefish, MT

Cynthia Levasseur, B.S.SpEd.
Prevention and Wellness Specialist/Family Wellness Coordinator, Blue Ridge Behavioral Healthcare, Roanoke, VA

Carol Nass, M.A.
Parenting Educator, Easton, PA

Rebecca Parlakian, M.A.
Senior Director of Programs at ZERO TO THREE, Washington, DC

Shannon Radar, Ph.D
Lecturer and Director, Parent and Family Education Program, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, MN

Advisory Committee

Meg Akabas
Independent Certified Parenting Educator, New York, NY

Anne Clarkson, Ph.D
Digital Parenting Education Specialist, University of Wisconsin-Extension, Rochester, MN 

Betty Cooke, Ph.D
Retired Faculty, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, MN

Harriet Heath, Ph.D
Psychologist, Author, Parent Educator, Winter Harbor, Maine

John Jeffers
Retired Licensed Clinical Social Worker, Owls Head, ME

Stephanie Jones
Independent Parenting Educator & Family Life Consultant, Oak Island, NC

Glen Palm
Professor Emeritus, Child & Family Studies
St. Cloud State University, MN

Ellen Taner
Family Science Consultant, Taner Associates, Brewer, ME

Wales Brown
(In Memoriam)

Staff Support

Rachel Chrastil, M.Ed
Executive Coordinator
Licensed Parent and Family Educator, Minneapolis, MN

©2025 National Parenting Education Network


The National Parenting Education Network (NPEN) operates through the lens of equity and justice. We know the importance of social justice (racial, economic, educational, health, housing, employment, criminal, and environmental), diversity, equity, inclusion, access, and belonging within the parenting education field and our organization. We demonstrate our commitment to these realities by ensuring that our membership and leadership roles are open to parenting professionals of all ethnicities, socio-economic statuses, ages, abilities, religions, sexual orientations, nationalities, genders, and marital statuses.  

Children learn about a just society through the words and actions of their parents, caregivers, and others.  We assert that our anti-racism and anti-oppression parenting education and family advocacy work allows everyone to be heard and supported. Our work includes promoting diverse parenting educators and parenting education in our media, webinars, member communications, leadership opportunities, networking, conferences, trainings, and advocacy. By keeping racial justice, diversity, equity, inclusion, access, and belonging at the forefront, we create an environment within NPEN that supports parenting educators, parents, and caregivers, thereby, encouraging children’s healthy growth and development.

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