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Parenting Educator Competencies

Members of NPEN’s PPRC have developed documents to describe the competencies related to effective parenting education practice. The first section focuses on competencies and related resources for Professional Parenting Educators. The next section on Paraprofessional Parenting Educators includes documents defining and supporting their work.

Professional Parenting Educator Competencies

The Parenting Educator Competencies: A Resource Document for the Field of Parenting Education document aims to promote a broad and comprehensive set of competencies which include key knowledge, skills, and attitudes and dispositions typical of effective professional parenting educators. We believe this document will support ongoing efforts that professionalize the field and ultimately bring consensus and greater continuity to this field while honoring the diversity that makes our professional community so rich and valuable.

Paraprofessional Parenting Educator Competencies

Paraprofessionals are those who do not have a related higher education degree to prepare them for parenting education. This section includes:

  • Paraprofessional Parenting Educator Competencies: A Resource Document for the Field of Parenting Education which is built on the above document to identify key knowledge, skills, beliefs and values most applicable to paraprofessional parenting educators
  • Manual for Working with Paraprofessional Parenting Educators
  • Related documents defining and supporting the work of paraprofessional parenting educators

©2025 National Parenting Education Network


The National Parenting Education Network (NPEN) operates through the lens of equity and justice. We know the importance of social justice (racial, economic, educational, health, housing, employment, criminal, and environmental), diversity, equity, inclusion, access, and belonging within the parenting education field and our organization. We demonstrate our commitment to these realities by ensuring that our membership and leadership roles are open to parenting professionals of all ethnicities, socio-economic statuses, ages, abilities, religions, sexual orientations, nationalities, genders, and marital statuses.  

Children learn about a just society through the words and actions of their parents, caregivers, and others.  We assert that our anti-racism and anti-oppression parenting education and family advocacy work allows everyone to be heard and supported. Our work includes promoting diverse parenting educators and parenting education in our media, webinars, member communications, leadership opportunities, networking, conferences, trainings, and advocacy. By keeping racial justice, diversity, equity, inclusion, access, and belonging at the forefront, we create an environment within NPEN that supports parenting educators, parents, and caregivers, thereby, encouraging children’s healthy growth and development.

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