NPEN: Supporting Parenting Educators |
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Our Vision | Our Mission
Parenting Educators’ Learning CaféDo you want to learn more about how to support families as a parenting education professional? NPEN’s webinar series, the Parenting Educators’ Learning Café, is free to members and topics are generated by members and unique to parenting education. Learn and connect with other professionals in the field. | Parenting Education Matters CampaignNPEN’s Parenting Education Matters campaign promotes and normalizes parenting education for the general public. When parenting education is seen as universally valuable caregivers, families, and communities benefit. Parenting professionals support skills and knowledge that lead to well-being. | What skills do Parenting Educators need?Do you train or employ parenting educators? Work as a parenting educator? NPEN’s comprehensive Parenting Educator Competencies describes the knowledge, practice skills, attitudes, and dispositions that are foundational to effective practice. Members of NPEN receive FREE access to this invaluable resource. |
NPEN's Parenting Education Infographic |
NPEN has created a two-part infographic to be used as a concise, clear way to convey facts (the “what, who, where and why") about parenting education as well as information about NPEN and parenting educator competencies. |
Join Us! |
NPEN is a national organization that promotes the field of parenting education and encourages information sharing, professional development and networking opportunities for individuals who educate and support parents. | Membership Benefits Include: |
“[I] was immediately struck by how hard this volunteer organization works to support the needs of not only our immediate membership, but the field of parenting education in general...NPEN is a wonderful place to exchange ideas, disseminate information, ask big questions, and make connections. My involvement with NPEN has been a rich and rewarding opportunity personally and professionally.” Andrew Garland-Forshee, PhD | “I joined NPEN almost 20 years ago and now Chairing the Professional Preparation and Recognition Committee is a perfect fit for my interests and expertise. I’ve been so blessed and honored to serve with some of the pioneers in our field and feel like diamonds just drip from their mouths each time I attend a committee meeting and hear them speak.” Jody Johnston Pawel, LSW, CFLE |