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State Networks and Organizations

This section of the National Parenting Education Network (NPEN) lists groups and​ ​organizations that provide professional development and networking opportunities for​ ​parenting educators within each state. The listed groups and organizations have been​ ​identified as having an active, ongoing presence in the parenting education efforts of the​ ​state, and in some cases, in other geographic areas outside the state.

The purpose of this NPEN​ ​website section is to connect parenting educators within each state and to provide information for those​ ​new to the field or a state who want to connect with other parenting educators to​:

  • share​ ​ideas
  • ask questions
  • engage in training and professional development   
  • engage in​ ​policy advocacy activities
  • learn about possible employment opportunities.

The​ ​information​ ​provided is NOT intended as a listing or endorsement of programs or​ ​curricula.

If you know of a parenting education network or organization in your state that is not​ ​listed, yet meets the criteria for inclusion (or you see an entry that needs to be updated),​ ​please let us know.



  • The Alabama Cooperative Extension System, the primary outreach organization for the land-grant mission of Alabama A&M University and Auburn University, delivers research-based educational programs that enable people to improve their quality of life and economic well-being.


  • The Resource Center for Parents and Children (RCPC) offers parenting education classes, groups, workshops, and both local and national resources for the entire community, and provides services to families in an effort to prevent the out-of-home placement of children as well as to reunify families whose children are in state custody.



  • The Arkansas Association of Family and Consumer Sciences (ArAFCS) is a scientific and educational association of family and consumer science professionals. The association is an affiliate of the American Association of Family and Consumer Sciences and thus supports the mission of the American Association of Family and Consumer Sciences which is to improve the quality of life for individuals and families. Specifically this mission is to further the optimum physical, mental, social, environmental and aesthetic development of families – both individual family members and total family unit.
  • The Center for Effective Parenting serves as the Arkansas State Parent Information & Resource Center (PIRC) which is funded by a grant from the U.S. Department of Education (84.310A). This program involves a multi-target-multimethod approach to improve the developmental progress of children and to improve academic achievement.
  • The University of Arkansas Cooperative Extension Service is part of the University of Arkansas’ Division of Agriculture. With offices in all 75 counties, faculty and staff provide educational programs and research-based information to the people of Arkansas. From agricultural programs to family financial management to youth education, they offer educational programs that have immediate and practical applications.


  • In San Francisco the California Council of Parent Participation Nursery Schools provides professional networking, program coordination between organizations and agencies, advocacy and legislative action, community and public awareness with parents, and direct services. There are a few requirements for membership.   
  • The mission of the Children’s Council of San Francisco is to meet family needs for high-quality child care in all San Francisco communities and help children grow, families work, and San Francisco prosper.
  • The mission of the California Council for Adult Education is to take the leadership role in promoting adult education, providing professional development, and effecting change to best serve the needs and interests of adult education, the CCAE membership, and the people of California.
  • First 5 California is dedicated to improving the lives of California’s young children and their families through a comprehensive system of education, health services, childcare, and other crucial programs. Their mission is to be recognized as California’s unequivocal voice for children 0 to 5 by 2012. They want to ensure all children in California enter school ready to achieve their greatest potential.


  • Colorado Statewide Parent Coalition “To promote equitable educational opportunities for all children and their families.”   
  • Parent Possible promotes and supports high quality early childhood education programs and family initiatives which build parent involvement and school readiness. This is accomplished through work with two evidence-based international early childhood home visitation models: Home Instruction for Parents of Preschool Youngsters (HIPPY) and Parents as Teachers (PAT).


  • The Connecticut Early Childhood Alliance is a group of organizations and individuals committed to improving developmental outcomes in the areas of learning, health, safety and economic security for children ages birth to eight. They want all Connecticut children to grow up eager to learn and ready for school success, and their families to become, if they are not already, economically self-sufficient.


  • The mission of CHILD, Inc. is to be the leading advocate for Delaware’s children. They provide creative prevention and treatment programs that meet the changing needs of families and serve dependent, neglected and abused children and their parents. They also provide programs for those involved in domestic violence situations, especially children. By protecting the victims and treating those responsible for acts of domestic violence they help children heal.


  • The University of Florida Cooperative Extension is a partnership between state, federal, and county governments to provide scientific knowledge and expertise to the public. The University of Florida’s Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences (UF/IFAS) is a federal, state, and county partnership dedicated to developing knowledge in agriculture, human and natural resources, and the life sciences and to making that knowledge accessible to sustain and enhance the quality of human life.
  • The Ounce of Prevention Fund of Florida is a private, nonprofit corporation dedicated to shaping prevention policy and investing in innovative prevention programs that provide measurable benefits to our state’s children, families and communities.
  • The Florida Children’s Council is a non-profit organization comprised of children’s services councils (CSC) established in counties throughout the state. CSCs provide funding for primary prevention and early intervention programs that promote positive family functioning. FCSC Mission: To promote policies that build effective primary prevention and early intervention systems of supports for Florida’s children and families by engaging and enhancing the collective strengths of the individual children’s services councils of Florida.


  • The mission of the Georgia Child Care Association (GCCA) is to enhance, support and promote quality in the licensed early learning child care industry, for its members and for the children of Georgia. They do this through expanded professional development, targeted advocacy, public awareness, and partnerships with community leadership.
  • The purpose of the Georgia Family Connection Partnership is to make sure every child is healthy and ready to start school and do well when they get there. They want to unify their commitment to Georgia’s children and families, make sure their efforts to improve the lives of children and families work, and protect every dime of their investment in Georgia’s future.
  • Hearts for Families provides parent education and support, facilitator training for government facilities and organizations, and tools to nurture. The programs are varied in intensity level and address a wide-range of needs to support parents and build strong communities.


  • The mission of the Department of Health is to protect and improve the health and environment for all people in Hawaii. Their goal is to promote the strength and integrity of families and communities.


  • University of Idaho Cooperative Extension professionals work with the people of Idaho to address youth, community, family, environmental, natural resource and agricultural issues.
  • The Department of Health and Welfare, Road to Recovery offers programs that deal with complex social, economic and individual issues, often helping people in crisis situations. Their programs are designed to strengthen families and promote self-reliance. Last year, they served almost 340,000 people, one out of every four Idahoans. From birth throughout life, they strive to enrich and protect the lives of their state’s citizens.


  • Bridges to a New Day is a charitable organization whose mission is to provide prevention, intervention and educational services which foster non-violence in the lives of children and adults.
  • Illinois STAR NET provides a variety of opportunities for personal and professional growth for those parents and professionals who touch the lives of young children, ages birth through eight, with an emphasis on children with special needs. STAR NET supports family-centered, researched and effective practices in early childhood education and care.
  • Child and Family Connections of Central Illinois will help families with children between birth and age three to obtain evaluations and assessments. They will help determine eligibility for early intervention services. If eligible, an Individualized Family Services Plan (IFSP) will be developed to help a child learn, grow and receive needed services.
  • Illinois Council on Family Relations was incorporated as an affiliate of NCFR on March 7, 1945. ICFR is the Illinois state chapter of the National Council of Family Relations (NCFR). NCFR/ICFR provides an educational forum for family researchers, educators, and practitioners to share in the development and dissemination of knowledge about families and family relationships; establishes professional standards; and works to promote family well-being.
  • Since 1997 Lincoln Parents’ Center (LPC) has provided year-round early education services for Lincoln and the surrounding communities. LPC was established to support parents of very young children because parents are the first and most influential teachers of their children. Because these crucial early years lay the foundation for children’s success in school and life, it is important that parents have access to timely information on child development, an opportunity to talk with other parents and resources that will help sustain their family. LPC offers parents these supports as they encounter the joys and challenges of rearing their children.


  • Indiana Parenting Institute (IPI) is a nonprofit family services organization providing evidence-based parenting education and life skills training programs and services to families with children birth to eighteen years. Our mission is to strengthen family relationships and transform the lives of families challenged by the complexities of raising and educating 21st Century children and the professions who serve them.  Our organization was recognized by the Governor’s Task Force on Drug Enforcement, Treatment & Prevention as a Substance Use Disorder Treatment Best Practice.


  • Early Childhood Iowa is a confederation or alliance of stakeholders in Early Care, Health and Education systems that affect children age 0 to 5 in the state of Iowa. Its purpose is to support the development and integration of an Early Care, Health and Education system for Iowa.
  • Iowa State University Extension builds partnerships and provides research-based learning opportunities to improve quality of life in Iowa.
  • The fundamental and critically important mission of Prevent Child Abuse Iowa is to end child abuse in the entire state of Iowa. Its single minded focus on prevention is unique in the child abuse field, where most efforts involve counseling and treating children.


  • Parents make good choices when they have good information and access to resources. Keys for Networking, Inc. is dedicated to building peer-to-peer networks that connect parents and youth to local resources and service providers of mental health, substance abuse, education, foster care, and juvenile justice.
  • Kansas Head Start Association (KHSA) is helping to build school-ready children and self-sufficient families. School-ready children are strong in all areas of their lives—academic, physical, social and emotional. And strong, stable families with support systems are essential to their growth.


  • The mission of the University of Kentucky Cooperative Extension Service, simply stated, is to make a difference in the lives of Kentucky citizens through research-based education. Jointly with their other land grant partner, Kentucky State University, they take the University to the people in their local communities, addressing issues of importance to all Kentuckians.


  • The Parenting Center at Children’s Hospital New Orleans provides a place where parents can develop competence and confidence in raising children. The Parenting Center serves as a unique community resource providing support and education to parents faced with everyday problems and concerns of raising children. It is also a place where parents can spend time with their preschool children, seek advice from parent educators and socialize with other parents. The Parenting Center also serves as a referral center where parents can receive direction to appropriate community resources.


  • The Maine Parent Federation Inc. is a statewide family support organization which promotes individual aspirations for all people through information, education and advocacy.
  • Maine Home Visiting Programs help new parents and parents-to-be get their children off to a healthy start. Trained visitors come to the homes of mothers, fathers and other caregivers to share new and helpful ways to parent. Home visitors also connect parents to the health and social supports they need to be happy, healthy families in Maine.
  • University of Maine Cooperative Extension is the doorway to University of Maine expertise. They put university research to work in homes, businesses, and communities. Home, family and youth experts provide education for parents and others who care for children, education and home visiting support for teen parents, programs to support homebound elders, resources to help caregivers care for aging family members, and information to help families save money and spend less.


  • The Parent Encouragement Program (PEP), Inc. is a non-profit educational organization for parents, teachers and others who want to deal constructively with children and teens. PEP is dedicated to the building and strengthening of healthy, harmonious adult-child relationships in the home or classroom. All PEP services (classes, workshops, talks, library) present a practical, proven approach to childrearing based upon the Adlerian Philosophy [] of mutual respect, shared responsibility, developing competence, and winning cooperation.
  • The Wicomico Partnership for Families and Children (WPFC) is part of the Wicomico County Local Management Board which has as its mission to promote a safe, healthy, and stable environment for all Wicomico County children and families. WPFC offers Family Empowerment Workshops for parents and caregivers on Maryland’s Eastern Shore. In these workshops parents and caregivers discover techniques that show them how to overcome communication stumbling blocks, prevent arguments, use positive parenting techniques and find new avenues to support youth so they can grow up healthy and thrive.


  • Families First Parenting Programs builds positive relationships between parents and their children by educating both families and the professionals who serve them through inspiring, hands-on workshops. Skilled workshop leaders stand beside parents and caregivers to lead them through the crucible of child rearing by transforming their experiences, doubts and fears into the knowledge and confidence they need to build positive discipline, communication, and self-esteem in families. Their training for professionals enhances their ability to better support and engage families. They help communities thrive by strengthening families first.
  • Since 1982, Parenting Journey’s powerful programs have helped parents build safer, stronger families. To date thousands of parents have participated in the Parenting Journey program—more than 52,000 since 2007. Our programs have been replicated in nearly 500 locations across the U.S. and can be found in communities across MA, NY, DC, FL…and more!


  • The mission of Catholic Social Services of Wayne County is to improve the quality of life throughout the life cycle by strengthening individuals, families and communities, by alleviating human suffering, and by advocating policies and services which promote human dignity and self-sufficiency.
  • The mission of the Great Start Collaboratives is to foster school readiness and life success for young children.
  • The mission of the Michigan Association for Infant Mental Health (MI-AIMH) is to promote and support nurturing relationships for all infants. MI-AIMH believes that each infant needs to be nurtured and protected by one or more consistent and stimulating caregivers who enjoy a permanent and special relationship with the baby. This relationship is essential for optimal social, emotional and cognitive growth. MI-AIMH believes that the failure to provide and maintain nurturing relationships, at least one, during infancy may result in significant damage to the individual and to society.
  • The mission of Michigan State University Extension is to help people improve their lives through an educational process that applies knowledge to critical needs, issues, and opportunities.
  • The mission of Catholic Charities Diocese of Kalamazoo is to provide social services in the manner of Jesus Christ with compassion, care and concern for justice to all people in need and to advocate for their welfare calling those of good will to assist in this mission in the Diocese of Kalamazoo, MI.
  • Parenting Awareness Michigan (PAM) is a year around initiative to promote awareness, education, and resources — through state outreach and local efforts — emphasizing the importance of effective and informed parenting in nurturing children to become caring and contributing citizens.




  • ParentLink, a collaboration of 35 statewide organizations and agencies, is a united effort to support Missouri’s parents. A variety of delivery models have been developed to accomplish this and include a 1-800 telephone parenting WarmLine, a statewide lending library service of parenting materials, a Web site, media campaigns, and curricula review guides, on-site and centralized community development activities, and community access points called Parenting Corners. ParentLink is based at the University of Missouri and is administered through University Extension. The goal is to support Missouri families in making the best choices possible for their families.
  • Missouri Parents as Teacher’s (PAT) mission is to provide the information, support and encouragement parents need to help their children develop optimally during the crucial early years of life.




  • The University of New Hampshire Cooperative Extension provides research and evidence-based family life education and support to families throughout the State of New Hampshire. Their county and state based parenting and family expert team members provide direct educational programming as well as support to other programs and agencies who are working to make New Hampshire a great environment for families.




  • The New York State Parenting Education Partnership (NYSPEP) is a network of more than 300 organizations and individuals who support healthy child and family development with a mission to enhance parenting skills, knowledge, and behavior through a strong, statewide network that promotes and improves parenting education. NYSPEP awards the NYSPEP Parenting Educator Credential to professionals in the field who demonstrate through an application and review process that they have obtained experience and competency in core areas of knowledge and skills for parenting educators.
  • Family Services’ mission is to help families and individuals help themselves through direct services, collaboration and advocacy.
  • Located in Central New York, Reach CNY’s mission is to ensure access and support for the full range of quality, culturally-sensitive health and human services; reduce teen pregnancies; and promote the health and well-being of individuals and families through education and advocacy.
  • The Parenting Project: Healthy Children, Families, & Communities is a program affiliated with the Department of Policy Analysis and Management and the Bronfenbrenner Center for Translational Research at Cornell University.  This section of the website is geared for professionals working with families and caregivers. It includes links to Cornell Cooperative Extension (CCE) Parenting Programs, Evaluation Tools & Reports, Parenting Education In-service Events, Professional Pages (short documents loaded with resources and tips written specifically for parent educators), Research Briefs summarizing current research topics, and Research to Practice highlighting current research relevant to Cornell Cooperative Extension (CCE) Parenting Programs Statewide Evaluation Outcomes.
  • Strengthening Families works to build protective factors in families that reduce the incidence of child abuse and neglect by providing parents with what they need to parent effectively, even under stress. By building relationships with families, programs can recognize signs of stress and build families’ protective factors with timely, effective help.
  • It is the mission of the YWCA of Ulster County to serve women throughout their lifetimes. Their goal is to facilitate the empowerment of women and families by increasing their educational, economic, political, legal and social opportunities; and to advocate for racial justice and human rights.




  • Help Me Grow is a coordinated, community-based service that promotes trans-disciplinary, family-centered programs for expectant parents, newborns, infants, toddlers and their families. It also provides professional development opportunities for parenting educators.
  • Ohio Association for the Education of Young Children is the premier membership organization and voice of early care and education professionals in Ohio. They also offer professional development at their “Power to the Professional” page with a list of conferences for early childhood educators.
  • Ohio Child Welfare Training Program offers opportunities for parenting educators to develop and present evidence-based, trauma-informed workshops to foster-adoptive-kinship caregivers and protective service caseworkers as private contractors through the Ohio Institute for Human Services.
  • The Ohio State University Extension Family and Consumer Sciences aspires to be the recognized leader in the state for enhancing the quality of life for individuals, families, and communities through research, education, and outreach. We value diversity and strive to build on the assets of the individuals, families, and communities we serve. OSU Extension FCS is Empowerment Through Education.
  • Parenting Empowerment Dialogue Coalition is a group of child care providers, agencies, and organizations who provide education and/or services to parents, grandparents, youth, and young children in Montgomery County. PEDC is facilitated by OSU Extension FCS Educator Pat Holmes with an OSU listserv used to correspond and share resources. Membership is free and open to anyone who serves parents or families in the greater Dayton or Miami Valley area.
  • Relationship Toolshop® International Training Institute, LLC is headquartered in Ohio but offers professional development training, resources, networking, coaching and support for parenting educators nationwide as well as worldwide that are not specific to any one curriculum. Many resources and support are free.


  • The mission of the Oklahoma Council on Family Relations (OKCFR) is to provide a forum for family researchers, educators, and practitioners to share in the development and dissemination of knowledge about families and family relationships, establish professional standards, and work to promote family well-being.
  • Oklahoma Parents As Teachers (OPAT) is a unique parent education program designed to give children the best possible start in life. The program is based on the philosophy that parents are their children’s first and most important teachers. The goal is to strengthen the capacity of parents to be effective first teachers. The program is designed to maximize a child’s overall development during the first three years of life, lay the foundation for school success and minimize developmental problems that interfere with the child’s learning.
  • The mission of Rainbow Fleet is to provide innovative, educational child development programs and services that enhance the quality of life for children, their families and child care professionals.
  • The mission of Oklahoma Partnership for School Readiness is to lead Oklahoma in coordinating an early childhood system focused on strengthening families and school readiness for all children.


  • Oregon Parenting Education Collaborative is an organization that supports delivery of high-quality parenting education programs, coordinated efforts to strengthen regional parenting education systems, and developing and strengthening collaborative regional parenting education Hubs.
  • Parenting Now!, formerly Birth To Three, is a private non-profit organization that provides parenting education and support to families with young children. Parenting Now! is the developer and provider of researched-based curricula, training, materials, and consultation for professionals who work with parents. The curricula are comprehensive, user friendly and do not require additional training.
  • Parenting Success Network, provides information on professional development opportunities, as well as other resources, for parenting educators. The organization believes that parenting educators each have a unique set of skills and knowledge and that it’s necessary to continue to seek support and professional development when working with families.


  • The mission of the Pennsylvania Council of Children, Youth, and Family Services reflects the overarching goal of working to enhance the ability of member agencies in the engagement of children, youth and families to improve the quality of their lives and our communities.
  • The Center for Schools and Communities is committed to improving outcomes for children and families through training, technical assistance, program evaluation, research and resource development. The Center’s work focuses on prevention and intervention initiatives operated by schools, organizations and agencies serving children, youth and families.


  • The mission of the Rhode Island Parent Information Network (RIPIN) is to assist individuals, parents, families and children to achieve their goals for health, educational, and socio-economic well being by providing information, education, training, support and advocacy for person/family centered care and systems change.


  • The Clemson University Cooperative Extension Service is putting knowledge to work to strengthen South Carolina families.
  • The goal of Children's Trust of South Carolina is to make sure every child grows up in a safe, loving home. They work to do that through a network of local, regional and statewide human services agencies, civic and faith-based organizations, businesses, health care providers and concerned citizens. They engage people, families and groups who believe that abuse can be prevented if families can find the help they need.


  • The mission of South Dakota Parent Connection is to connect families caring for children (birth to 26) with the full range of disabilities or special health care needs to information, training and resources in an environment of support, hope and respect.


  • The mission of the Center for Parenting is to strengthen parent-child relationships by coordinating and enriching existing parent education efforts in Tennessee.
  • The mission of Big Brothers Big Sisters of Middle Tennessee is to help children reach their potential through one-to-one relationships with mentors that have a measurable impact on youth.
  • The Tennessee CASA (Court Appointed Special Advocates) Association is a non-profit organization established to support the development, growth, and continuation of programs which recruit and train volunteers to serve as advocates representing the best interests of children in court proceedings.
  • The mission of the Tennessee Department of Human Services is to improve the well-being of Tennesseans who are economically disadvantaged, vulnerable or living with disabilities through a network of financial, employment, protective and rehabilitative services.
  • First Things First is a not-for-profit organization dedicated to strengthening families in Hamilton County, Tennessee through education, collaboration and mobilization.
  • The Tennessee Association for Children’s Early Education (TACEE) exists to provide members with professional development opportunities and to advocate for best practice in the care, development, and education of all Tennessee’s young children.
  • Support and Training For Exceptional Parents (STEP’s) mission is to empower parents to become effective partners with professionals in planning appropriate educational programs for their children.
  • The University of Tennessee Extension faculty are teaching the citizens of Tennessee how to make sound decisions about the wise use of their resources; educating Tennesseans about health-promoting behaviors; and encouraging individual development to help people reach their full potential in parenting, family relations and personal growth.


  • Collaborative for Children is a nonprofit that strengthens early education throughout Greater Houston. We work with parents, educators, and local leaders to make sure our region’s children are ready to succeed in the long term.
  • The mission of the American and Texas Association of Family and Consumer Sciences is to effect the optimum well-being of families, individuals, and professionals by empowering members to act on continuing, emerging concerns, focusing member expertise for action on critical public issues, and assuming leadership among groups with mutual purposes.
  • The mission of the Austin Child Guidance Center is to improve the mental health of children and their families through early intervention, diagnosis and treatment to help them develop the emotional skills for meeting life’s challenges.
  • AVANCE’S mission is to unlock America’s potential by strengthening families in at-risk communities through effective parent education and support programs.
  • The mission of Partners Resource Networks (PRN) is to empower parents of children and youth with disabilities in their roles as parents, decision makers, and advocates for their children and to promote partnerships among parents and professionals.
  • The mission of the Texas AgriLife Extension Service is to serve Texans through community-based education.
  • The long-term goal of Family Connections is to reduce the risks for homelessness by increasing the protective factors in the lives of homeless children.
  • The Parenting Center services are designed to help families become healthy and remain strong.
  • Practical Parent Education  provides services to parent educators giving them the curriculum, training and support they need to establish successful, effective parenting programs.
  • The mission of the Region 10 Education Service Center is to anticipate the rapidly changing needs of students and other stakeholders by building partnerships and providing a wide array of high quality, innovative products and services, efficiently and economically.
  • The Region 17 Education Service Center is passionately committed to developing and nurturing healthy, thriving learning communities across Region 17 by guiding and supporting schools in their quest for excellence.
  • The Texas Council on Family Relations (TCFR) is a non-profit educational and resource organization devoted to promoting healthy families. The TCFR is a state affiliate of the National Council on Family Relations (NCFR).
  • United Way Capital Area Born Learning helps parents, caregivers, and communities in Central Texas create quality early learning opportunities for young children.
  • Parents as Teachers Texas is an early childhood parent education and family support program designed to empower all parents to give their child the best possible start in life.


  • Children’s Service Society empowers families and caregivers through services that support the safety and well-being of children, and implements the Parents As Teachers program in Salt Lake County through its home visitation program.
  • The mission of Head Start is to empower and educate young children and families facing adversity.
  • Prevent Child Abuse Utah (PCAU) is a non-profit organization committed to breaking the cycle of child abuse through education and training.
  • The mission of the Utah Parent Center (UPC or Center) is to help parents help their children with disabilities to live included, productive lives as members of the community. They accomplish their mission by providing accurate information, empathetic peer support, valuable training, and effective advocacy based on the concept of parents helping parents.
  • Utah Parent Teacher Association (PTA) is a non-profit grassroots child advocacy organization made up of parents, teachers, and students. Utah PTA is an affiliate of National PTA and is organized in Utah at local, council, and state levels.



  • Families Forward Virginia is dedicated to disrupting the cycles of child abuse, neglect and poverty by providing statewide leadership for and unifying support for a multitude of Virginia programs through evidence-based and multi-generational prevention strategies.
  • The Children’s Advocacy Centers of Virginia (CACVA) provide training, support, technical assistance and leadership on a statewide level to local children’s and child advocacy centers and communities throughout Virginia responding to reports of child abuse and neglect.


  • The goal of the Parent Encouragement Program (PEP) [] is the development of stronger, more encouraging families, through systematic education, skill training, and support.


  • The Organization of Parent Education Programs (OPEP) is a professional organization of parenting education program administrators and coordinators representing community and technical colleges. OPEP’s vision is that Parenting Education in Washington State’s community and technical colleges will be recognized as a high quality, effective, responsive contributor to the state’s healthy families, communities, and economies. Their mission is to build stronger and healthier families through adult and adult-child learning.
  • The Positive Discipline Association promotes and encourages the development of life skills and respectful relationships in families, schools, businesses and community systems.
  • The Washington State University Strengthening Families Program for Parents and Youth 10-14 believes in educational programs that bring parents and their children together in learning environments to strengthen entire families.
  • The mission of Vashon Youth & Family Services [] is to help Islanders raise thriving, resilient children and youth by fostering a community of emotionally healthy, resourceful families and individuals.
  • The Washington Association for the Education of Young Children (WAEYC) provides services to members and advocates for policies that enable individuals and businesses to provide high-quality early learning experiences for young children.
  • Washington State University Extension engages people, organizations and communities to advance knowledge, economic well-being and quality of life by fostering inquiry, learning, and the application of research.



  • The Wisconsin Council on Family Relations seeks to utilize research acquired from the National Council on Family Relations (NCFR) in order to improve the work of Wisconsin practitioners. Through the professional development, sharing of resources and networking this state organization offers, our members can strengthen the families of Wisconsin. 
  • Prevent Child Abuse Wisconsin builds community resources, provides training and public awareness, and carries out advocacy activities in order to strengthen child abuse prevention efforts in Wisconsin.
  • The University of Wisconsin Extension Family Living Programs respond to community needs with research-based education and partnerships that support Wisconsin families and communities.


  • The Parent information Center (PIC) is a statewide parent center for families of children with disabilities. PIC provides information, support and referrals to families on their rights and responsibilities under the special education law—the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA).

International Parenting Education Organizations


  • The Qatar Foundation created The Doha International Family Institute (DIFI), making the support of the country’s parents, families and caregivers central to its mission. DIFI is a global policy and advocacy organization working to advance knowledge on Arab families and promote evidence-based policies.

©2025 National Parenting Education Network


The National Parenting Education Network (NPEN) operates through the lens of equity and justice. We know the importance of social justice (racial, economic, educational, health, housing, employment, criminal, and environmental), diversity, equity, inclusion, access, and belonging within the parenting education field and our organization. We demonstrate our commitment to these realities by ensuring that our membership and leadership roles are open to parenting professionals of all ethnicities, socio-economic statuses, ages, abilities, religions, sexual orientations, nationalities, genders, and marital statuses.  

Children learn about a just society through the words and actions of their parents, caregivers, and others.  We assert that our anti-racism and anti-oppression parenting education and family advocacy work allows everyone to be heard and supported. Our work includes promoting diverse parenting educators and parenting education in our media, webinars, member communications, leadership opportunities, networking, conferences, trainings, and advocacy. By keeping racial justice, diversity, equity, inclusion, access, and belonging at the forefront, we create an environment within NPEN that supports parenting educators, parents, and caregivers, thereby, encouraging children’s healthy growth and development.

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